
The novels written by Doc are available on Amazon.

Darkness ~ Revised Edition – – Connor Ury is a former Navy SEAL and government special ops operator who makes the jump to married life and raising a family. Collateral damage suddenly shreds his life; his happiness is torn from him. He seeks revenge on those who chose violence.
Click this Kindle E-Book.
Darkness Revised Book Cover

Rescuing Daria – – Connor Ury uses the skills learned as a US Navy SEAL and special operator in the CIA to rescue young women trafficked into prostitution. Connor and a small team of equally competent operators (Connor calls them his ‘friends’) search and destroy those who use seances and psychological manipulation to trick decent people.
Click this Kindle E-Book.

DarknessConnor Ury is a former deep-cover government bad-ass who decides to settle down, get married, raise a family, and be a regular guy, only to have his life torn from him. Click this Kindle E-Book.