The Snake Bit Man

A guy decides he’s going on a big hike up the mountains…

In the middle of his hike, he gets bitten by a deadly snake.

A woman approaches him and sees something’s wrong.

She tells him she’s a nurse and can help him.

He says, “No, no, I’m a religious man. God is going to take care of this. Leave me alone.

So, the woman leaves and continues along her hike.

Another person comes by a few minutes later and can tell the guy has been bitten by a snake.

This person tells the guy he’s a scientist who deals with snakes and can help him.

The man who’s been bitten says, “No, no, I’m a religious man. God is going to take care of this. Leave me alone.”

And so, the scientist leaves.

Next, a medical doctor walks up.

He can tell the guy is in bad shape and isn’t going to make it.

The doctor tells him that he can help and save his life.

But, the man who’s been bitten says, “No, no, I’m a religious man. God is going to take care of this. Leave me alone.”

Shortly after, the man dies from the snake bite.

When he gets to heaven he says…

“God, why’d you let me die? I had faith you were going to heal me.”

God says to him…

“Since you didn’t bring a snake bite kit, I sent you a nurse, a snake expert, and a doctor. What else did you want me to do?”

The moral of the story?

God wants people to take care of themselves and be self-reliant.

And, the more self-reliant you are, the more you’re able to help others.